It felt great to get back out there! The roads are dry enough to haul trash once again. Last weekend, we returned to the site in Silver Springs we’ve been tackling for several runs. It’s mostly detail work left there now. We got rakes for that!
One of our OG Pigs has scouted some spots in Stagecoach, which will be soon added to the calendar. Dumpers have also been busy in Dayton and Fernley. More pins are being added to the map daily. Spring cleaning, y’all!
This weekend, we will be doing something a little different. Tomorrow [Saturday 4/1] we will be helping out a family who lost their home to fire in Dayton. Their insurance paid for stuff, and they are rebuilding, but the process is making a mess that’s overwhelmed them. Let’s lend them a couple hours of labor to help them out. Meet at Maverik 9am.
Also happening tomorrow: Blood drive at CenterPoint. If you made an appointment, please stick to it! Last round, we had too many people flake out. We HAVE TO get caught back up on blood supply! Every unit counts. If you haven’t made an appointment, and happen to be in the area when the bus is there, ask if they have any open slots.
Monday, assuming it’s not too muddy, we’ll be making a quick trip down Ft. Churchill to make a haul from the river camp. They got hit hard from the floods.
Keep your fingers crossed that nature will finally decide to turn down the winter. I hope to see you all out there in the various towns we’ll be cleaning up! Keep checking your local Pig group and the website for updates.
Thanks, Pigs!
— Phil