3/5/22 – 3/12/22 Dayton

Sutro Tunnel 3/5/22 Cleanup

Pigs suited up for some hardcore cleaning at the Sutro Tunnel carriage house. It was dusty, gross work, but we got the job done.

Removing pigeon poop and corpses from old buildings was out of our normal scope of work, but we were happy to help Friends of the Sutro Tunnel, as they restore this historic site, for future public tours. After the work was done, we got an exclusive tour of our own, and some cool hats & calendars!



I’ve been playing catch-up. Right after our Sutro Tunnel adventure, I spent the rest of that Saturday loading tires into my little green trailer, hauling them home from the former “Pig Farm”.  This was intended to be a weekend-long project, after I got the news the prior Friday, that the property had been donated to the local Calvary Chapel, and we had to vacate. It ended up consuming my whole week, plus the following weekend.

Approximately 400 tires, 5 refrigerators, and about 100 TV’s are now living on my back yard. While this is a slight inconvenience, and has put me behind on several things (like this blog), I’m glad to have it close again. The tires & fridges stacked up at the farm, and the TV’s collecting dust in the shed there, were out of sight, and mostly out of mind. It’s easier to put recycling on the back burner, when it’s not piled up outside my kitchen window.

The tires are currently stacking up from the desert faster than I’m hauling them out to recycle. I’ll have to step it up, if I plan to see my back yard again. They cost money, and most places will only take so many at once. I have to spread the love to more than one dump or tire shop.

You can help me get tires recycled. We’re running the tire adoption program again. for $10, we recycle one tire. Prices vary for us, so we shoot high, and hope to use the change to restock our regular dump funds. Since I just paid the insurance for the year, our bank account now has a little over $20. CLICK HERE sponsor a tire!

Stagecoach 3/12/22

We had the perfect turnout to wipe out a recently discovered nasty spot. We had it all loaded and raked up in time to make the transfer station before they went to lunch.

This spot contained many needles, most of which were uncapped. There were also a few (coyote?) remains in the pile. But the strangest, most disturbing thing we saw that day, was what appeared to be a mouse coming out of another mouse. I’m not talking a momma mouse birthing little pink babies… this was a grown mouse, which looked like it was coming out of the end of another mouse. We all watched in horror, as it ran away, into the desert, wondering what it is we just witnessed. We still have no answers.

As with most dumps, the dumpers left names on mail and magazines. Oddly, no two names matched. This leads me to suspect it was stolen trash (yes, people do that). I’m not sure what they find in the raids, but we’ve found plenty of evidence to suggest it’s happened before. So be mindful of what you toss in your trash!

A dozen tires also came home from this one. If you can help us recycle those, my wife would appreciate it (since they’re all in my back yard).


#desertpigs cleaning the trails between #dayton and #stagecoach #Nevada 3/12/22

♬ Beethoven Moonlight Sonata-High Sound Quality – Amemiya

Phil Wooley
President & Founder
Call or text: 775-220-7152

Site designed and maintained by
Phil Wooley