4/3/22 – Stagecoach, NV

After spending the past 2 weeks assisting in the search for Naomi Irion, we resumed out normal Pig activities. This run was planned at the very last possible minute, but it brought in plenty of Pig muscle to get the job done.

This was the 3rd (maybe even 4th… I’m not certain) attempt to find a specific dump, which Connie Blank had alerted to me months ago. It took her husband leading us with his side-by-side, to locate it.

We tackled the dump with record speed, then went searching for more. We found a messy shooter spot, full of glass, which used up the rest of our scheduled time.

Heidi scored a free horseback riding lesson while out there!

Phil Wooley
President & Founder
Call or text: 775-220-7152

Site designed and maintained by
Phil Wooley