Help! Tires everywhere!

Having just rinsed the fiberglass out of my beard, and stacking another 40-ish tires in my back yard, I am now reflecting on all that stuff that was on my mind just a couple hours ago. It was a small load today in Mound House, but an interesting one.

We got to chop up a boat with a chainsaw!

About those tires…

I will be tossing a tire or two in the Cutlass every day (my one running vehicle until tax refund gets here), and dropping them off at at the Carson City landfill for recycling. Each time I do, I will post a video or photo to thank a donor who made it happen. 

I will have to get on the messenger with the Fernley Pig bosses here in a bit, so we can figure out where/how/how much for getting tires recycled in in their neck of the desert. 

We need all the help we can get with donations for tire recycling. Prices range from $3-15 per tire. We go for the cheapest rates possible, but if we pull from general fund for this, pigs would go broke before even putting a dent in those piles. 

Please consider making a donation to help us get these tires out of the desert, and get them recycled.

As many like to point out, there are all sorts of crafts and re-purposing ideas, but the reality is, we have millions of illegally dumped tires to get out Nevada desert. I don’t ever want to discourage creativity, but we are not trying to make rubber alligator yard ornaments and houses for stray cats.

We just want them gone. If you buy, we’ll fly!

Phil Wooley
President & Founder
Call or text: 775-220-7152

Site designed and maintained by
Phil Wooley